Team VRUK Member Blogs

*A non-runner’s running blog.* - Gill

*A non-runner’s running blog.* - Gill

I have spent my whole life telling anyone who will listen that I am not a runner, and I have always hated running. Yet, as a 50+ year old, I have this nagging urge to be able to run

Time for a change in lifestyle By Wendy

Time for a change in lifestyle By Wendy

The voice in your head will tell you you can't do this, BUT YOU CAN !!!!! I am proof of this

Meet the Dolphins - they race as a family

Meet the Dolphins - they race as a family

Meet Dawn and her daughter in-law Jade, racing as a family.

A life changing kidney transplant in 2015 is Donna's motivation to stay fit and healthy, so when she was looking for ideas to get fitter and lose weight a work colleague pointed her towards Virtual Racing!

How to Find Inspiration and Run With it Regardless of Your Hurdle

How to Find Inspiration and Run With it Regardless of Your Hurdle should not look at a challenge as a whole. Instead, you ought to set smaller goals that will eventually help you complete your objective. The same principle holds true for anyone who has ever had a fitness goal, such as running 1,200 miles a year or getting into the best shape of their life. It should be a process, taken step by step, little by little until the ultimate goal is finally attained. 

The Fit Girl Within - her story

The Fit Girl Within - her story

When I turned 40, I realised that instead of moaning about the way I looked and felt and blaming everything other than me I decided to get off my backside and do something about it.  I started losing weight, started cycling and loved every second of it.