Our Brand Enthusiasts
Lizzy - Hampshire
"Hi I'm Lizzy, 31, run like Forrest & absolutely love it! I started at school age loving sprinting and used to represent my county, but as I got older my body decided it preferred long distance. I've completed many 5km, 10km, Half Marathons over the years & did my first Marathon this year, the London Marathon where I raised over £3,000 for charity & have already entered again for next year. My biggest reason for loving running is not just for the fitness, but it makes me completely happy & I love how it makes me feel afterwards and my mood and outlook on life just feel so positive. I some times feel as slow as a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter when I'm running, but I never stop!"
Emma - Manchester
"I love running because it is my passion, it makes me incredibly happy, plus it keeps me fit and healthy. The virtual races website is a great idea for keeping the public active, and a brilliant incentive to keep up the training runs; especially for those who lack motivation. Who doesn't want to win some great bling whilst running around their own town centre? No faff, keep fit and wear your medal with pride!"
Stephanie - Caerphilly
"Last year I suffered terrible post natal depression, I was so unhappy and wasn't doing myself much good, for Christmas my whole family got together and bought me running gear and my sister said she wanted to help train me and she signed me up for a 10k which I just completed (21-05-17)! I started running in January and signed up to do some 5ks and in the meantime I found several virtual running websites which were awesome, at this point I'd definitely caught the running bug, (I mean who doesn't love running bling and to see how far they have come and what they have achieved!) I have an 18 month old so virtual running is perfect for me as I don't have to worry about where, when or who to do these challenges with, it's very flexible to do if you have children or are working etc, it was a very good motivator and for me I beat my post natal depression and I am the fittest I have ever been! Running is the best medicine for sure!"
Naomi - South Wales