November Remembrance Day 11

November Remembrance Day 11

Regular entry price £13.50 £13.50 Special Offer

For this Remembrance Day 11 challenge, we are asking entrants to run, walk, cycle or swim 11 miles or 11 km.  In one stint or multiple sessions throughout November.

This beautiful, sparkly, poppy loaded medal design is your reward for completing the challenge.  

Please note you are paying to enter the Virtual Race. The medal is a reward for completing the challenge and submitting evidence by the deadline date. 

Go on, virtually challenge yourself this November

All you need to do is sign up to the virtual race.

Complete the distance during November

Send us proof. Wear your medal with pride.

Completion submission deadline is 4th December
Medals are sent second class by Royal Mail.

Free UK shipping on all of our virtual races and virtual fitness challenge medals